Making suggestions in Thai with “măi”
ไหม (măi) turns statements into questions but it can also give the feeling of “would you like to?”, “do you want to?”.
It’s like you are offering something to someone with an extended hand.
The following examples will cover this “would you like to?” definition of ไหม (măi).
Important Whenever
⭐️ …ไหม (măi)
- ลองไหม long măi ➜ Would you like to try? / Try it?
- ลองกินขนมไทยไหม long gin kà-nŏm tai măi ➜ Would you like to try to eat Thai dessert?
- กินไหม gin măi ➜ Would you like to eat? / Eat it?
- กินขนมไหม gin kà-nŏm măi ➜ Would you like to eat a snack?
- ทำงานกับเราไหม tam ngaan gàp rao măi ➜ Would you work with us?
- ทำงานที่ประเทศไทยไหม tam ngaan têe bprà-têt tai măi ➜ Would like like to work in Thailand?
- ไปไหม bpai măi Would you like to go?
- ไปเดินเล่นข้างนอกไหม bpai dern lên kâang nôk măi ➜ Would you like take a walk outside?
- ทำไหม tam măi ➜ Would you like to do it?
- ทำความสะอาดบ้านไหม tam kwaam sà-àat bâan măi ➜ Would you like to clean the house?
Common mistake
When translating the question “Do you work in Thailand?” into Thai, a common mistake is to say คุณทำงานที่ประเทศไทยไหม (kun tam ngaan têe bprà-têt tai măi). This translation is not accurate because it can be interpreted as suggesting work in Thailand, similar to asking “Would you like to work in Thailand?”
The correct way to ask if someone works in Thailand in Thai is by using the phrase คุณทำงานที่ประเทศไทยหรือเปล่า (kun tam ngaan têe bprà-têt tai rĕu bplào). This version literally translates to “You work in Thailand or not?”. It is clear because the ending หรือเปล่า (rĕu bplào) is asking “or not?” and not making a suggestion.
To avoid suggesting something when you don’t want to, you should use หรือเปล่า (rĕu bplào) instead of ไหม (măi) when framing questions in Thai.
- Translate this question Do you work in Thailand?
- Wrong answer ❌ คุณทำงานที่ประเทศไทยไหม kun tam ngaan têe bprà-têt tai măi 👉 (with the "măi" this feels like a suggestion) ➜ Would you want to work in Thailand?
- Correct answer ✅ คุณทำงานที่ประเทศไทยหรือเปล่า kun tam ngaan têe bprà-têt tai rĕu bplào ➜ Do you work in Thailand?